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LabCon 2024


NOT Another BORING Legal Conference

Roll Up Your Sleeves and Let's Get the Hard Stuff Done

Discover your best "Aha!" moments and start implementing them at LabCon.

Have you ever experienced those breakthrough moments during the casual hall conversations between conference sessions? Do you leave events with a notebook of mostly forgotten ideas when you return to your office?

At LabCon, we've built an entire event around capturing new ideas and giving you time to make it happen.

LabCon is the premier annual unconference exclusively for our Lawyerist Lab community members—and special Lab-curious guests. For 2.5 days, you will connect with our coaches, subject matter experts, and forward-thinking lawyers like yourself in an unparalleled experience designed to work on and transform your business.  

Forget about the traditional conference setup. There are no keynotes. There isn't a vendor hall. Say goodbye to hours of people talking at you. Instead, we'll spend our time together:

  • Exploring new concepts to propel your business forward
  • Sharing ideas that work in small law firms
  • Working in small groups to get stuff done
  • Coaching firm leaders on all aspects of leadership and business best practices and
  • Having a whole lot of fun doing it

Space is LIMITED, and we expect to SELL OUT! We've opened 10 spots for people who aren't yet in Lab.

👉 Step 1: Click the link below to schedule time with Amy, who will talk you through LabCon logistics and see if it's the right place for you. Since we intentionally keep LabCon small, we want to ensure you'll get the most out of it!

If we both agree after the call, we'll send you the registration link and  SEE YOU AT LABCON!





a loosely structured conference emphasizing the informal exchange of information and ideas between participants, rather than following a conventionally structured program of events

Why LabCon Is the Not-to-be-Missed Lab Event of the Year

Meet Your People

You'll be surrounded by tech-forward, open-minded lawyers and staff who are generous with their thoughts and time.

Get Focused Time 

This is 2.5 days to work on your business, without day-to-day distractions, and with help from our Lab Community.

Jumpstart Your Business

Work on site with our coaches and experts to push your business forward, fast.

Have Genuine Fun

At one LabCon, someone said, "You don't get opportunities to have this kind of fun as an adult!"

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"The time to exchange ideas with others (and moderators to keep us on track) is incredible. The openness the Lawyerist community has built is invaluable."
– Allison Harrison

The Ultimate Value for Your Lab Membership

Exclusive Access

Gain exclusive access to our top-notch resources, coaches, and leading industry experts. This is your chance to leverage the full potential of your membership and make strides in your business. 


Invaluable Connections

Build meaningful relationships with fellow law firm owners and support staff. The connections you make at LabCon are not just networking opportunities—they are friendships that will support and inspire you throughout your professional journey. 

Actionable Insights

Walk away with practical, actionable insights tailored to your specific needs. Our focused sessions and coaching ensure you make progress—taking those ideas from concept to done. You'll also leave with clear next, right steps to drive your practice forward. 

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"Understanding how much I don't know, but developing tools and a plan for implementing change was priceless. I was at times overwhelmed with the knowledge of what I have been missing, but then inspired to learn literally everything I need to know to make my business incredible. The guidance and feedback from the other Labsters were invaluable."
– Matthew Swanlund


Top 10 Tips
for a Kick-Ass LabCon Experience

1. Be open to new ideas
2. Honor confidentiality
3. Think! And then share on social
4. Don’t jump to tech tools
5. Speak up/pipe down
6. Curate your own experience
7. Keep alcohol in check
8. Be punctural
9. Take care of yourself and your introverts
10. Honor our community standards

About the
Q Center

Just outside Chicago, the Q Center is a gorgeous facility with beautiful trails, bike and walking activities, cozy working nooks, and more. With great food ready for all dietary restrictions, this all-in-one conference center is a great experience.

Q Center
1405 North Fifth Avenue
St.Charles, IL 60174
(630) 377-3100

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"Having the opportunity to suggest the issues and topics that I was concerned about and the Lawyerist team curating a conference that incorporated those issues and allowing peer-to-peer discussions to identify, discuss, and solve based on a collective knowledge base was amazing. It was such an incredible experience that I know for a fact that I moved, helped, and encouraged people because it did all of that to me. Not only did I find solutions or paths forward for my issues, but I was able to share my experiences to help others do the same, and that was so rewarding!
– Jasmine Jowers Prout

LabCon FAQs

What are the dates?

September 22 – 25, 2024.

LabCon kicks off around 4:00 pm CST on Sunday, September 22, 2024. A closing reception will wrap things up after dinner on Tuesday, September 24, 2024.

Most people choose to fly out the morning of Wednesday, September 25, 2024.

What's the cost?

Registration Fee

LabCon's $1,699* registration fee covers your conference, materials, activities, meals, exclusive meetings with our subject matter experts (best in the biz!), and most beverages. 

*Current Lab Members receive complimentary or discounted registration based on their program level as follows: 

  • Residency: Two complimentary registrations
  • Breakthrough: Two complimentary registrations
  • Platinum: One complimentary registration
  • Discovery: 50% Discount
  • Maintain: 30% Discount

**Additional attendees from your firm will receive a 30% discount on their registration fee.

Travel Costs

For ALL attendees (unless you tell us in writing when you register), we'll book your Q Center room for you, but you'll pay $225/night room cost and your travel to/from the Q Center separately.



What's the agenda?

Since this is an unconference, we have a loosely structured agenda that leaves plenty of space to address the issues attendees need most. 

Generally, group sessions and breakouts focus on topics corresponding to our Healthy Firm model covering:  

  • Healthy Strategy
  • Healthy Clients (Marketing & Client Services)
  • Healthy Systems & Technology
  • Healthy Profits
  • Healthy Team
  • Healthy Owners

We also create space for participants to work on business-related projects. In the past, sample projects have covered:

  • Marketing funnels and campaigns
  • Client onboarding system
  • New business models (including subscriptions and flat fees) 
  • Financial models & cash-flow projections 
  • Building team culture 
  • Hiring processes  
  • Delegating/using a virtual assistant 
  • Succession planning and path to selling a firm
  • Implementing new legal technology / automation
  • Productivity best practices   
  • Overcoming limiting mindset 
  • Sales skills and overcoming objections 
  • And more 

We'll also have meals together, optional fun and wellness activities, opportunities to explore mindfulness exercises, and much more! 

What if I'm not a Lab member?

Why not? 

(just kidding) We know that you may be new to our community and still curious about whether Lab is a great fit for you.

LabCon is a wonderful way to meet our coaches and Lab community, jumpstart working on your business, and learn more about how Lawyerist helps small firms build healthy businesses.

While LabCon is a members-only event, every year we put aside a limited number of seats for special guests who have not yet officially joined our Lab community. 

Bonus: IF (when) you join Lab within 3 days of LabCon, we'll apply your LabCon registration fee towards your first month of Lab membership. WIN-WIN!

Interested in learning more? Click on the link to connect with one of our Lab coaches: 

