Ready to build the small law firm of your dreams?

Isn’t it time you had the strategy, systems, and people in place to create the small law firm you always wanted? It’s possible.

Welcome to Lawyerist Lab—the place for lawyers who realize they are business owners and want to run their business more effectively. Our coaching program is designed to help you build a solid foundation for your business systems so every aspect of your practice runs smoothly.

How does Lawyerist Lab work?

Lab offers you a variety of tools and resources to find your winning combination of strategy and alignment. 

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Your business benefits when you connect with forward-thinking business owners who share their problems, wins, and frustrations. In Lab, you'll connect, learn, be inspired, and confide in other members in lots of ways, including:

  • A private member forum
  • Webinars and workshops
  • Virtual quarterly planning retreats
  • Our annual in-person conference, LabCon

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Everyone benefits from help. Our coaches will be there to give you guidance, support, and yes, at times, a good 'ole fashion kick in the rear. 

Depending on the level you join, you'll access our coaches by either: 

  • Subject-matter coaching with an expert focused on a specific part of your business, or
  • 1:1 business and accountability coaching with a dedicated coach, or
  • Group coaching calls and workshops.
Our coaches specialize in business strategy, marketing, finance, legal technology, human resources, outsourcing, remote workplaces, business systems, and operations.  

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We'll guide you through the process of creating a business strategy so you know exactly which parts of your business need your focus.

With your plan in hand, you'll access our members-only website containing over 100 on-demand modules to help you learn and implement our proven strategies for building a healthier firm.

Meet Lawyerist's
Healthy Firm Model

The journey to a healthier small law firm
isn’t a straight line. It’s a circle.

Why healthy? 

Every part of your firm is connected. It starts with a healthy foundation—a clear path to what you want your business to look like and how you will get there. With a solid foundation, you can grow and serve healthy clients. 

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Healthy Strategy

Core Values
Business model
3-Year goals and strategy

healthy profit

Healthy Profits

Financial strategy
Consistent revenue growth 
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
healthy teams

Healthy Team

Accountability chart
Hiring & management systems
Market rate salaries 
Hiring the right people for the right seats
Tracking employee satisfaction

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Healthy Systems

Data security threat assessment
Tech stack audit
Procedures manual
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Healthy Clients

Ideal client profile
Strategic marketing plan
Website audit
Client experience plan

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Healthy Owner

Business aligned with personal goals
Reasonable hours worked
Owner's compensation

Lawyerist Lab Pricing

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Give Lawyerist Lab a try with our Taco Guarantee!

To see if Lab is a good fit for you, join the community! Accepted members enjoy our
30-Day-Love-It-Or-Leave-It-Taco-Guarantee. Quit for any reason in the first 30 days, and
we'll refund your money and send you $10 for a taco on us—you're guaranteed to benefit!

What Our Labsters Are Saying About Lawyerist Lab

I was feeling hopeless. My prior coach was out of ideas on how I could generate more leads, find more referrals, and be more successful in my intake calls. After just one meeting with my Lab coach, I was able to see a difference. Now, I have strategies in place for hiring, for trying out new offerings, for approaching new clients. Everything I do in my business is different because of the coaching I've received at Lawyerist.  Jolene Blackbourn
I was at an impasse in figuring out how to expand my team effectively. My coach took the time to get to know my unique practice and helped support me in developing an approach to hiring and training that is more in line with how I do business. I feel like I'm on the right path now. I appreciate my coach's ability to listen and understand the challenges I'm facing, and then provide feedback that is both holistic and tailored to me and my firm.  Deborah Buyer
I worked with my coach to develop a plan to revise our billing system in a way that was more compatible with our practice instead of the "old" way of billing everyone at once. We found a pattern that works for us.Today, we are in the black and I feel like we're in control of our cash flow. I'm happy to report that "dialing for dollars" is a thing of the past! Kimberly Memmesheimer
We conquered more than 2 years of soul-crushing backlogs in some of our pre-pandemic and pandemic-era estate and trust administration and estate planning projects within 11 months of joining Lawyerist Lab. Key systems improvements and the realignment of team member roles within their strengths and our core values have helped us trim project completion times in some bottlenecked areas from multiple months to a few days. Jeff Hawkins
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Our team is waiting!